Reasons A Child May Suffer From Dental Pain

Like adults, children can experience excruciating mouth pain. Pain that is associated with the child's teeth may stem from multiple origins.

Here are a few reasons that a child may suffer dental pain.

Erupting Teeth

As a child's primary teeth are shed, the adult teeth begin to break through the gums. During the eruption process, the emerging teeth place pressure on the sensitive gingival tissues. As a result, the child may experience mouth pain.

The pressure is likely to dissipate as the teeth break through the gums. Still, the eruption of the teeth may cause a child significant discomfort. To treat the pain, the dentist may suggest an oral analgesic or an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen.

Dental Decay

As dental decay worsens, the dissolution of the tooth material can cause a cavity to breach the dentin layer of the teeth. In some cases, the hole may be deep enough to reach the pulp, which is the innermost layer of the tooth material.

The dentin contains tube-like holes that grant access to the dental nerves. Additionally, the pulp houses the nerves and blood supply of the tooth.

A child may experience pain once the dental nerves are exposed or the pulp is inflamed.

Small cavities may be treated with a filling after the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth. However, deeper cavities may require a filling and a dental crown.

If the pulp has been irreparably damaged, the dentist may have to perform an endodontic procedure to remove it. The hollow tooth is then filled and covered by a crown.

Dental Sensitivity

Dental sensitivity frequently occurs from enamel erosion. If a child grinds their teeth regularly or consumes large amounts of acidic substances, the tooth enamel may wear away. As the enamel is reduced, the dentin layer becomes increasingly exposed. Since the tubules of the dentin layer surround the dental nerves, the child's dental sensitivity may increase when the teeth are exposed to cold, heat, or pressure.

To alleviate the discomfort of dental sensitivity, the dentist may suggest a fluoride treatment, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, or a root canal treatment. Fluoride can help remineralize damaged tooth enamel. Additionally, toothpaste for sensitive teeth contains ingredients that can help quell inflamed dental nerves. Also, in chronic cases of dental sensitivity, the dentist may perform a root canal treatment to remove the pulp, and thus, the dental nerves.

If your child is experiencing tooth pain, schedule a consultation with a dentist at a pediatric dental clinic in your local area.
