Actions You Should Avoid After Receiving A Dental Implant

Missing teeth can make it difficult to smile and chew with confidence. If you are considering the replacement of a missing tooth, your dentist may suggest an implant-based restorative option. Dental implants provide stable foundations for prosthetic dental devices, such as bridges and crowns.

Moreover, implants rarely fail so they will likely outlast the devices that they stabilize. Still, there are negative activities that can contribute to implant failure. Here are a few actions that you should avoid if you are planning to receive dental implants.

Failing to Control Your Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, your doctor may have prescribed medication, dietary changes, and exercise to stabilize your blood sugar. If you fail to adhere to your physician's plan, your blood sugar may remain elevated for prolonged periods. Elevated blood sugar can interfere with the healing process of your implantation wound.

Additionally, higher blood sugar levels are associated with a greater likelihood of developing gum disease. Periimplantitis, a type of gum disease that occurs around the implantation site, can prevent the implant wound from healing properly. If the condition is severe enough, it may even prevent osseointegration.

Osseointegration occurs as bone cells grow around the dental implant, stabilizing the device in the jawbone. If osseointegration does not occur, the dental implant is likely to fail.

Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Some of the chemicals in tobacco are irritating to the gum tissues and may cause inflammation around the implant wound if you smoke or chew tobacco. Additionally, smokers may suffer from decreased blood oxygen levels. Without an adequate oxygen supply, the implant wound is unlikely to heal as it should.

It is best to stop smoking a few months prior to receiving your dental implant. If you find it difficult to break your tobacco habit, your dentist may be able to suggest some treatment options to wean you from the addictive products.

Failing to Wear a Bruxism Guard

Many people tend to grind their teeth as they sleep. The grinding applies a great amount of force on the teeth and dental appliances in the mouth.

Dental grinding can apply enough force to move a dental implant out of position, breaking the bond that formed through osseointegration. Once the bond is broken, the bone integration process does not restart. Thus, the implant will fail.

Custom mouth guards are available to provide shock-absorbent cushioning between the teeth of the upper and lower palates as you sleep.

To learn more about dental implant surgery, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area. 
