Tips For Cleaning Your Retainer

If you recently started wearing a retainer, you may not be familiar with all of the things you need to do to keep it clean. This is very important, since bacteria and plaque will collect on the retainer throughout the day. Your retainer is also made from a material that is porous, so it is very easy for it to collect that bacteria. Thankfully, it is easy to keep a retainer clean if you follow these tips.

Understanding Tooth Decay: The Importance Of Prevention

Your teeth are important, and tooth decay is a sign of unhealthy teeth. If you don't brush often or if you forget to floss, this can lead to oral health problems you probably don't want to deal with. Enamel is the protective covering on your teeth, and when plaque sits on your teeth, enamel can get broken down. There is bacteria in plaque, and it ruins the enamel on your teeth slowly.

Three Tips For Effectively Educating Your Child About Oral Hygiene

Good oral health starts with education. Teaching your children the importance of taking care of their teeth helps ensure good oral hygiene. The problem is many parents don't know where to start, or find that getting children to cooperate with good oral hygiene habits is a struggle. To help your child along, here are three tips to make education your child about oral health more effective. Making Healthy Food Choices