Managing Pain From A Broken Tooth

Breaking a tooth can cause significant pain, especially if the pulp or nerve is exposed. The pulp is where the rich network of blood vessels and other tissues are located, and when pulp inflammation occurs as a result of infection or otherwise, you may develop unbearable pain. Here are some things you can do to ease the pain of a broken tooth while you're waiting to see your dentist. Clove Oil

Why People Are Picking Invisalign Over Metal Braces

If you're looking to make adjustments to the position of your teeth, you need to decide on an orthodontic treatment to do it. While metal brackets are a popular choice among teenagers, they may not be right for adults due to their visibility. Here are some reasons why you should pick invisible aligners such as Invisalign. Overall Appearance When it comes to looks, invisible aligners are going to look much more appealing to you when you are using the plastic trays.

Common Myths About Dental Implants

Dental implants look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth. With proper care and regular dental visits, your dental implants can last a lifetime. They are placed directly into your bone, and over time, they enhance the overall health of your jawbone by decreasing the rate of bone resorption. Even though dentists have been enhancing their patients' smiles for many years with implants, some people still believe some of the myths associated with them.

3 Options You Should Consider if You Have Lost One or More Molars

Tooth loss can come about for many reasons, but most people find that their molars can decay and break over time. Although molars are not readily seen by others, they are critical for chewing. If you do not address the issue of one or more missing molars, your gums can shift, and this will affect the rest of your teeth. And obviously, you will have a difficult time chewing, especially if the missing molars are on both sides of your mouth.

Things To Know About Getting Veneers

If you are interested in getting a better-looking smile, you might start to wonder if getting veneers on your teeth is the best thing for you to do. Of course, unless you personally know someone that has gone through the process of getting veneers, there is a chance that you are not familiar with what you should expect from this type of cosmetic dental procedure. If you would like to know a little more about getting veneers and what you can expect, you will want to continue reading.