Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) Affects Denture-Wearers Too!

If you feel a burning sensation in your mouth, that becomes progressively worse throughout the day, you could be experiencing Burning Mouth Syndrome, or BMS. BMS is far more common than you may realize, and even those who wear dentures are not exempt from the pain, discomfort, and mood swings that this condition can cause. Talk with your dental provider or denturist if you begin to experience any of the following BMS symptoms:

  • Tongue numbness
  • Soreness or pain in the mouth
  • Metallic taste
  • Dry-mouth
  • Loss of taste
  • Difficulty articulating speech

Often times, BMS may accompany an other underlying medical condition or issue. This reinforces the need to be honest and thorough with your dentist or denturist regarding your medical history because doing so helps to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of BMS. Co-occurring conditions that could contribute to BMS symptoms include patients with nerve damage, acid reflux disease, hormone imbalance, or allergies. Some common ways that your provider will evaluate whether you are, in fact, experiencing BMS symptoms include these interventions:

  • Oral swabs
  • Blood test
  • Allergy screening
  • Dental examination
  • Medical examination

Another reason that BMS symptoms may manifest is from wearing ill-fitting dentures; be sure to have your dentures fitted and adjusted as needed by denture providers to avoid this outcome.

You can impact the severity and frequency of your symptoms with treatment, though there is no cure for BMS. Providers may make adjustments to dentures, supplement patients' diet, or order medications to eliminate any reaction or potential interaction. There are some things that you can do yourself to reduce the severity and duration of BMS symptoms:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Use ice chips to help soothe the discomfort of burning sensations.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, spicy food, and anything that could irritate the mouth.
  • Don't use mouthwashes or rinses that contain alcohol.
  • Use baking soda and water to brush teeth or dentures. Toss out any toothpaste or products that could be contributing to your BMS symptoms.

Burning Mouth Syndrome is a painful condition that may cause mood swings and depression in some individuals. Talk with your providers about ways to stabilize or improve mood, which may or may not include a medication regimen. Be cognizant of the symptoms of BMS, and make strides toward reducing your risks, as not even denture-wearers are immune to this chronic and serious oral condition. For more information and assistance, talk to a professional like Dental Care Of Scottsburg - Randol O Woolbright Jr DDS.
