How Calcium Deficiency May Lead To Dental Implant Complications

Calcium plays a vital role in your dental health. It is a major constituent of the skeletal structure of your teeth and supporting tissues, such as gums. It also aids in blood clotting, helping dental wounds to heal fast.

Some people are more susceptible to calcium deficiency than others. Examples of such people include breastfeeding mothers and the elderly. Such people may experience calcium-related complications after getting dental implant treatments. Here are three examples of these potential complications:

Reduced Bone Density

Most of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones and teeth. Therefore, these parts of the body suffer if you are losing more calcium than you are gaining. If that happens, you will experience low bone density, which complicates your implant treatment. For example, your jawbone density may be too low to support your implants. In that case, you will require some form of pre-treatment to strengthen them. For example, you may require a bone graft to build up your jawbone density to the required levels.

Swelling of Periodontal Tissues

Periodontal disease is characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Although periodontal disease is primarily caused by poor oral hygiene, there are many contributing factors, including calcium deficiency, that encourage its onset and progress. This is because inadequate calcium leaves the tissues supporting your teeth weak, which make them susceptible to bacterial attack.  

If your periodontal disease is moderate, you may be able to extract the teeth and get an implant without any complication. However, if it is severe, you may have to wait for the site to heal before getting the implant.

Prolonged Healing

Lastly, calcium deficiency may also impair the healing process of your dental implant wound. As you know, getting a dental implant involves drilling into your jawbone so that the inserted implant fuses with your natural bone. The insertion point needs to heal, but it will do so at a slower rate if your body doesn't have adequate calcium.

Therefore, don't discount the significance of dietary considerations in the success of your dental implant. If you suspect that you aren't getting adequate minerals, talk to your dietician on how to improve your meals. The dietician or doctor can also advise you on the use and safety of calcium supplements for your specific health needs.

For more information on calcium deficiency and implant procedures, contact local professionals like Dr. Jon Douglas Lesan, DDS, RpH, PA.
