3 Options You Should Consider if You Have Lost One or More Molars

Tooth loss can come about for many reasons, but most people find that their molars can decay and break over time. Although molars are not readily seen by others, they are critical for chewing. If you do not address the issue of one or more missing molars, your gums can shift, and this will affect the rest of your teeth. And obviously, you will have a difficult time chewing, especially if the missing molars are on both sides of your mouth. There are three options you might want to consider having done to replace molars.

A partial denture

This is a partial plate that can be used to replace one or more molars. Like a full denture plate, the artificial molars are affixed to a plastic structure that fits over the gums. However, because it is only a partial, there is a wire the extends out from the end that fits over a real tooth to keep the partial in place. Like other dentures, it is best to remove them at night. You will need to do this, so you can rinse your mouth to prevent food particles from getting underneath them. It is also convenient to soak them in a cleaning solution while you sleep. It should be noted that this is the lowest cost solution for replacing lost molars.

A dental bridge

This is an option when you have lost one molar. Basically, the two teeth on each side of the missing tooth are ground down so that a porcelain cap can be placed on each tooth. In between these two capped teeth will be an artificial tooth. The entire unit is referred to as a bridge because it serves the function of a bridge over the missing tooth. This is a permanent fix for molar loss. This bridge is not like a denture, so it cannot be removed, but many people have found chewing food to have a more natural feel to it. Some people who have had a partial denture in the past, claim that a bridge provides better chewing.

Dental implants

Like a bridge, an implant is a permanent solution. However, the procedure is more involved. A metal post is installed in your gum, and then a false tooth is attached to the metal post. Molars that are implanted offer the closest thing to a genuine tooth. The posts that they attach to offer structure to the gum line, so there is no shifting of other teeth in your mouth that can occur over time. Dental implants are the most expensive of the three options.

You can explore the possibilities of these options with a dentist. The specific condition of your teeth may dictate that one option is better than another.
