4 Dentist Tips To Care For Your Newly Installed Dental Implant Crowns

People with missing teeth often find the benefits of tooth implants too good to ignore. The teeth replacement option provides a lasting solution, restores your smile, and improves your appearance. Your dentist will plant a titanium post into your jawbone and give it time to fuse. Afterward, the specialist will place a dental crown that will function as your new tooth. The crown is the visible white part of the implant. Here are a few useful tips to help you care for the implant.

1. Keep Your Mouth Clean 

Although the dental implant crown is not susceptible to decay and bacterial activities, it is important to clean your teeth daily. After surgery, the area surrounding the new crown may be vulnerable to bacterial infection. You'll need to clean your teeth regularly as advised by your dentist to prevent gum infections around the implant area. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to eliminate plaque build-up and avoid peri-implantitis. Your crown will have stable support if you keep the bacteria at bay.

2. Avoid Pigmented Foods

Dental crowns are made of porcelain material that is resistant to stains. However, the surface may still get discolored if it is exposed to heavy pigments from smoking or drinking red wine. Stains might also occur along the line touching the gums due to the bonding material used during the installation. Ask your dentist to help you whiten or clean the stains off the crowns immediately after you notice them. Eliminating stains immediately prevents them from becoming stubborn.

3. Protection From Trauma

Although the crown is designed to resist physical impact, it can still crack or break. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist for a mouthguard to protect your crown from breaking. Avoid using your teeth to bite onto hard stuff like pens, ice, nuts, or hard candy. Your dentist can replace a damaged crown, but it will cost some money. Protecting your dental implant crown against damage will help enhance their durability

4. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

During recovery, you will be required to see your dentist regularly. The specialist will monitor your implant's recovery progress and the condition of the crown. If it feels too tight or loose, consider reporting it to the dentist for help. The specialist might recommend replacing or repairing the crown if they find it damaged. Timely intervention ensures the implant underneath serves you for a long time.

Dental crowns deserve the same level of care you give your natural teeth. The above are expert tips to improve the durability of your dental implants. If you have any issues affecting your implant or crown, consider setting an appointment with a dentist.
