5 Reasons To Visit An Emergency Dentist

Do you have a dental-related problem that is causing you a lot of discomfort, but you're wondering if you should visit an emergency dentist or wait for your regular dentist? Here are a few reasons that justify the visit to an emergency dentist. 

Major Toothache

Is there a problem with a tooth really hurting, and the pain is persistent and not going away? This is the type of toothache that requires the help of an emergency dentist. A minor toothache will go away if you take a painkiller, but an infection will not typically go away no matter what. Visit the dentist immediately to have the problem treated before it gets worse. 

Broken Tooth

Trauma that causes a tooth to be broken or chipped is a reason to be concerned. This is because you have a portion of the tooth that is exposed and not covered by enamel. It will be very easy for bacteria to get into that part of the tooth and potentially cause an infection. If you have the part of the tooth that broke off it is possible for a dentist to bond it back to the rest of the tooth. A chipped tooth can also be helped with a bonding material to cover the exposed surface.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A tooth that was knocked completely out of its socket is a serious concern. Acting quickly to have the tooth inserted back into the gums will give you a good chance to save the tooth. Just make sure that you only touch the tooth by the crown, and keep it moist in either saliva or milk. The dentist will then reimplant the tooth, stabilize it, and provide you with antibiotics to prevent it from being infected. 

Lost Filling

Another problem that should be fixed immediately is a lost filling. Much like a broken tooth, that missing filling is going to expose part of the tooth that is not covered with enamel. A dentist will need to prepare the tooth so that a new filling can be put in its place. If you act quickly, you won't have any additional damage done to the tooth.


A dental abscess is definitely something that shouldn't be ignored since it is a sign of an infection that needs to be addressed. Pay attention to if the tooth is swelling, causes severe pain, or causes pain while chewing. The tooth may also be sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, give you really bad breath, and cause a fever as your body fights the infection. 

Contact a local emergency dentist to learn more. 
