Handling The Loss Of A Dental Crown Or Filling

While fillings and crowns usually are highly durable, they can loosen and fall out of a patient's mouth. This can be an alarming and uncomfortable experience. This dental issue often leads to pain, sensitivity, and difficulties with eating. When faced with such a situation, it is crucial to seek dental help immediately to avoid further complications. Unfortunately, dental patients will often be unsure how to respond to this problem. 

What Causes Fillings And Crowns To Fall Out?

Tooth decay is one of the main reasons why fillings or crowns fall out. As bacteria from food particles accumulate on your teeth over time, they produce acids that can wear away your tooth enamel. This process eventually leads to cavities that weaken the enamel supporting the crown or the filling.

Fillings and crowns are not indestructible and undergo wear and tear as you chew food daily. Over time, these restorations may weaken or crack under stress from grinding your teeth or biting hard substances like ice cubes. Injuries resulting from accidents involving sports activities or falls can cause damage to your teeth, leading to dislodged fillings or crowns.

What Steps Need To Be Taken If You Lose A Filling Or Crown?

When you lose a filling or crown, it is essential first to rinse your mouth gently with warm water. It helps remove any accumulated debris from the exposed area while easing discomfort. Temporary dental cement can be bought at drugstores without a prescription as a temporary solution before seeing your dentist. Apply this product to cover the exposed tooth surface, which may protect it from further damage and sensitivity.

Can You Wait To See A Dentist For A Missing Filling Or Crown?

A dentist needs to be able to start treatment for your missing filling or crown as soon as possible. Immediate treatment lessens the chances of complications. Delaying professional dental care can lead to worsening conditions such as tooth abscesses due to unchecked bacterial growth or even loss of the entire tooth structure.

Will Your Dentist Be Able To Save Your Tooth After Losing A Filling Or Crown?

The treatment option that your dentist will recommend depends on several factors, such as the extent of decay in the affected area or if any infection is present. In some cases, a simple refilling may suffice. Unfortunately, if extensive decay has occurred beneath the original filling, root canal therapy might be necessary before placing another restoration.

In many instances where fillings or crowns get dislodged, dentists can effectively repair and restore teeth to their original state without significant complications. However, delaying seeking treatment can significantly reduce this option and may result in tooth loss.

Reach out to local dentists to learn more.
