2 Tips To Start Helping Your Teen Overcome Inflammation A Few Hours After Their Orthognathic Procedure

Within the first 24 hours after your teen's orthognathic surgery, their pain medication will begin to wear off. Once this happens, they will experience the discomfort that comes from inflammation. The inflammation will cause the surgical sites to swell up and feel irritated. It is important to get the inflammation under control as soon as possible. This will ensure that the recovery process is as easy as possible. The longer you go without addressing the inflammation, the worse it will get until your teen's body begins to heal.

3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Cosmetic Dentist

Do you have a goal to get a perfect smile? If so, you are likely already considering a cosmetic dentist. When you want to move forward with your new smile, it is crucial that you feel both comfortable and confident in your provider. If you have many cosmetic dental providers in your area, it can be difficult to narrow your search to just one. The following are some steps you can take that will help you select the perfect provider for your cosmetic dental needs:

5 Tips For Healing From Denture Implant Surgery

Denture implants are something to consider getting from your dentist if you are missing most of your natural teeth due to decay or an accident that knocked them out. Denture implants will replace all of your natural teeth in the best way possible. This is because they will be surgically attached to your jawbone. The reason this is important is because your jawbone will be stimulated, which means that you don't have to worry about your cheekbones sinking in.

About Suffering from Periodontal Disease

Do you have painful gums and deteriorating teeth that you want brought back to a good condition? A dentist will first have to determine the exact cause of your poor oral health. Your symptoms point to the possibility of periodontal disease, which can be treated using various techniques depending on the condition's severity. Below, you will learn about some of the important things you should know about periodontal disease. 1. Why Periodontal Disease Develops

How Calcium Deficiency May Lead To Dental Implant Complications

Calcium plays a vital role in your dental health. It is a major constituent of the skeletal structure of your teeth and supporting tissues, such as gums. It also aids in blood clotting, helping dental wounds to heal fast. Some people are more susceptible to calcium deficiency than others. Examples of such people include breastfeeding mothers and the elderly. Such people may experience calcium-related complications after getting dental implant treatments. Here are three examples of these potential complications: