3 FAQs About Dental Implant Oral Surgery

Do you have missing teeth and want to reconstruct your smile? If so, dental implants are an excellent option. They come in many variations, and they are the most durable way to replace missing teeth. If you still aren't sure if a dental implant is right for you, check out these three frequently asked questions:   How Much Does an Implant Cost? There are different types of implants. A single dental implant replaces one missing tooth.

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Full-Mouth Implants

Dental implants are one of the best tooth-replacement options for people who are missing one or a few teeth. They look and function just like your natural teeth, allowing them to blend right in. No one but your dentist will need to know which of your teeth have been replaced. They're also more durable than other tooth replacement options – if properly cared for, they can last the rest of your life.

Six Little Habits To Adopt If You Want To Avoid Cavities

If you want to avoid cavities, all you need to do is avoid sugar and brush your teeth... right? Well, not necessarily. There are plenty of patients who stay away from sweets and brush twice a day, yet still develop some cavities overtime. So many different factors come into play when it comes to cavity formation, and it may be impossible to prevent them 100%. However, there are a lot of little habits you can adopt to greatly reduce your risk.

3 Tricks To Ensure Your Fake Halloween Teeth Don't Leave You Howling At The Dentist

Everbody's favorite candy holiday is just around the corner. You already know you want to be a vampire at this year's Halloween party, but what is the safest way to show off false fangs to your victims? Many people assume wearing fake teeth is no big deal, but they can lead to dental damage if worn with total disregard. Here are three tips to make sure you don't spend time in the dentist's chair once the ghouls have retired for another year.

How Oral-Conscious Sedation Works

Professional dental care is an important factor in maintaining good dental health. However, some people hesitate to schedule dental treatments due to the fear and anxiety that they experience when contemplating or receiving dental care.  Nowadays, dentists use localized anesthetics to ensure that any physical pain associated with a procedure is alleviated. Although these site-specific applications eliminate physical pain, they do not address the mental anguish incited by dental fears.  To reduce dental fear and anxiety, conscious dental sedatives can be provided.