Do's And Don'ts For Proper Adult Braces Care

If you are getting adult braces installed soon, then it is important that you understand how to properly care for them. By avoiding things that can damage your braces, you can shorten your treatment time and greatly lower your frustration level while your braces are on your teeth. Follow these do's and don'ts to properly care for your adult braces after they have been installed on your teeth: Do eat a healthy diet that is full of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Using Cosmetic Dentistry To Fix "Baby Bottle Mouth" In Children: What To Expect

"Baby bottle mouth" is the phrase given to children who have suffered tremendous damage to their teeth because they were frequently put to bed with bottles of formula or juice. The formula or juice collected and pooled in their mouths while they slept and then proceeded to cause decay to their tooth buds and baby teeth. It leaves them not only in pain, but with a frighteningly unpleasant smile. Cosmetic dentistry can help somewhat with this issue, and here is what to expect.

4 Things Cerebral Palsy Sufferers Need To Know About Bruxism

Cerebral palsy is a congenital neurological disorder that affects coordination and movement. It can lead to a number of complications, including oral health complications such as bruxism. Bruxism refers to clenching or grinding your teeth, and it's common among cerebral palsy sufferers. Here are four things cerebral palsy sufferers need to know about bruxism. How does cerebral palsy cause bruxism? Cerebral palsy can lead to bruxism in a few different ways.

Odors And Horrid Tastes After Dental Implants – Is It An Infection?

Although most patients don't suffer any infection after the dental implant surgery, those that do experience infections of different degrees. How the infection is treated is determined by how long after the surgery the infection occurs and how serious the infection is. Below, you will learn about the treatment of infections after dental implant surgery and a tip for alleviating the terrible taste that comes with these infections. Symptoms of Infections after Dental Implant Surgery